London's very own jeans
There are plenty of denim brands in global fashion, but Lee Copper is different. It doesn’t trace its history to the Old West or California, but to London’s East End, where Morris Cooper started a business making workwear in 1908.
Lee Cooper has a proud history, producing army uniforms during both World Wars and reinventing jeans as fashion in the 1940s, when it became the first ‘native’ European denim brand. When we were hired to create new POS, we were determined to embrace the unique character of London’s very own jeans.
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Avoiding the stereotypes
The brand’s Britishness is part of what makes it unique, and we wanted to make the most of it. But we weren’t going to trade in the stereotypes of the King’s Road, or the high-fashion exclusivity of Bond Street.
Instead we set out to reflect the inclusive, cosmopolitan, creative side of London - and specifically East London. Lee Cooper has been a rock ’n’ roll brand since the 50s, and our work followed in that heritage.
A sense of place
We art-directed a series of gritty-but-stylish black and white images of the urban landscape - all brickwork and railings, greasy-spoon cafés and well-worn street furniture. Each of these atmospheric images features the iconic Lee Cooper diamond logo.
For the clothes themselves we shot mostly in colour, using industrial and urban locations, indoors and out, on gorgeous but real-looking models

Shaking the assets
We created a number of beautifully bound and printed lookbooks for different seasonal collections, each featuring striking photography of props, locations and detailing, as well as more conventional product images.
Point-of-sale material includes both ‘flat’ posters and stand-up, three-dimensional display pieces. Naturally, our work found a second home online, updating the imagery and branding work for the website.
The results are simple, powerful, and highly distinctive in a crowded marketplace. Our work has helped root Lee Cooper in East London, in order to promote the brand across the globe.